Our Family Medicine Center is a 16,700 square foot outpatient center on the campus of the Long Beach Memorial Medical Center. Located in the Buffum Medical Pavilion, it serves as the base for all of our continuity patient care. Here, residents and faculty share one practice, seeing patients side-by-side in one of our 32 exam rooms.
We see around 30,000 patient visits per year. Our patient payor mix is diverse—about 50% of our clinic visits annually are with Medi-Cal patients, with the rest being a mix of HMO, PPO, and Medicare.
In addition to routine, office-based patient care, we are able to provide all of the outpatient procedures which are an everyday part of family medicine, including video colposcopy and other gynecologic procedures (IUD, cervical biopsy/ECC/EMB, Nexplanon), procedural and medication abortions, minor surgical and dermatologic procedures, bedside ultrasound (including OB, MSK, vascular and abdominal), casting and splinting, spirometry, arthrocentesis, circumcisions, paracentesis, and joint injections. In addition, we have a gynecology clinic, a family planning clinic, a twice-weekly LGBTQ clinic, as well as a busy primary care sports medicine clinic.
The residents’ patient care is supervised at all times by full-time faculty members, with volunteer faculty members contributing from time to time. Consultation is also available from our psychologist, Dr. Wendy Linderholm, and from our on-site social worker.